A lot of little girls in our circle are getting really long "booty braids" (which mean they go down to your "booty"). I see J admiring the braids and listening to the girls talk about getting their braids and she seems to be feeling a little envious. Last night she found and old can of Oil Sheen and wanted me to spray her hair with it because that's what the other girls spray on their hair. I told her "NO" because there are chemicals that could damage her hair but she seemed disappointed.
The girls around our neighborhood all have that same look, and most of the girls I have seen at her school have been relaxed. I know she already feels a little different being biracial, then add being natural and I can see that she feels she doesn't always fit in and wants to be more like the other girl.
I sometimes wish we lived in an area where the were some natural hair shows and get-togethers where J could see the beauty of natural hair. Maybe have all the natural girls meet once a week and talk about hair, beauty, being natural.....like the Natural Girl Scouts! lol HMMM maybe it would be a cool idea?!
Anyway right now I just keep reminding her of her beauty, inside and out. I really need to get back into trying more new styles.....
Have you or your children felt pressures to relax? What about comments from extended family?