Friday, December 4, 2009

Good Hair

Have you seen Chris Rock's Movie "Good Hair"? If so, what did you think about it?
It wasn't quite what I expected....

here is my review:

"Good hair" Whooo what a sensitive topic. But I am referring the movie "Good hair" by Chris Rock. I thought the movie made some good points. I liked the fact that they showed how dangerous chemical relaxers can be and how much money people spend relaxing and getting weaves yearly.

I was saddened by the fact that so many in women give their hair as a spiritual offering and that hair ends up on the market and sold for wigs and weaves. The movie didn't go much into the history of women shaving their heads for spiritual offering and it made me wonder if some women are convinced to shave their heads by spiritual advisers for the sake of making money.
The movie also mentioned that hair is worth more than gold in India so women have to be careful in public places, such as the movies not to have their braids snipped off and sold on the black market.

The movie spent a lot of time talking about hair shows, which I found pretty boring and a waste of film. I wanted to know more about the history of hair, history or relaxing and the social implications or relaxed and natural hair. The movie touched on these issues but really didn't go into any depth.

The movie was entertaining but didn't live up to all the hype....which was mostly in my own head. lol I have been so excited about the "Good Hair" movie, especially since I am a fan or natural hair for everyone. It's entertaining so, I do recommend watching it, and it does have some good material. I just wished it was more about hair, the social status related to hair and less about the makings of a hair show!

For more info check out:

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